
Mixed use masterplan

Development management

State Significant DA

Metro’s Northwest Places

Management of a large consultant team to lead feasibility/concept work for a rezoned, Transit-Oriented mixed-use masterplan delivering on Metro and Landcom’s strategic objectives and place aspirations. Scope highlights include: masterplan optioneering and review for conformance against planning controls, relevant SEPPs, Apartment Design Guidelines, Client Brief and Development Objectives; development of Urban Design Guidelines including steering, coordinating and contributing structure, content and review; preparation of State Significant DA for proposals, working to Project Governance Arrangements; driving design reviews and standards, resulting in ongoing engagement as a Design and Technical Advisor; external stakeholder consultation including rigorous engagement with DPiE, Hills Shire Council, and community. 

Our scope

Level 6 has managed a large and reputable consultant team to lead the feasibility/concept work for the master plan in line with Metro and Landcom’s strategic objectives and place aspirations, including master plan optioneering and review for conformance against the planning controls, relevant SEPPs and Apartment Design Guidelines as well as the Client Brief and Development Objectives. Further key aspects of our scope have included:

  • Development of Urban Design Guidelines (acting as a site specific Development Control Plan) – requiring the coordination of inputs from multiple consultants and client group departments. Level 6 has written significant content, steered the structure, and managed the rigorous review process for this work.

  • Preparation of the State Significant Development Application for the proposals, working to Project Governance Arrangements agreed with Landcom and Metro.

  • Significant internal stakeholder engagement and management including continuous facilitation of agreement on key project and concept decisions throughout the development of the proposals, the submission of the SSDA and the Response to Submissions process.

  • External stakeholder consultation including rigorous engagement with DPiE and Hills Shire Council, and Community Consultation.

  • Management of design review and approval process with the Landcom/Metro team, and multiple State Design Review Panel sessions.

  • Design Coordination with Council and its consultant team on future plans for the adjacent sites (Castle Hill Showground and Cattai Creek Corridor).

  • Management of a large consultant team and workflows to suit challenging submission timescales. The nature of the Landcom/Metro client body required specific planning for review of documentation for submission to ensure all required internal stakeholders within various departments could review in alignment with the required governance.

  • Coordination with the successful purchaser of one of the superlots within the Precinct to ensure alignment with guidelines, early identification of coordination issues and discuss the ongoing plan for the development of their detailed development application following SSDA approval.

Following our work on this project to submit the SSDA and carry out the Response to Submissions process, we have been asked by Landcom to act as ongoing Design and Technical Advisor, and participate in key stage reviews to monitor the developer’s design and ensure the developer is meeting its contractual obligations and the requirements of the Urban Design Guidelines.