University of Sydney
Development management
Placemaking & masterplanning
Options analysis
Implementation plan
A review of the development potential of the Darlington campus (e.g. the area of campus south of City Road) given the surrounding strategic planning context and adjacent development plans associated with Tech Central, North Eveleigh, RPA Hospital and the like.
This included the development of a suitable structure plan, precinct/usage plan and site composition strategy to provide a strong context, framework and guide for future sites and/sub stages of development.
Our scope
Key requirements of the project included:
Review and analysis of large volumes of pre-existing information across multiple disciplines, including the deciphering of what remains relevant vs what is superseded/irrelevant or requires further testing given today’s context. This has entailed communications with multiple internal stakeholders.
Off the back of the above, development of a rigorous Brief clearly articulating the project intent and key considerations to ensure the process will deliver on outcomes in accordance with UI’s success metrics.
Opportunities and constraints mapping
Stakeholder consultation
Selecting and procuring an optimum consultant team for the nature of the high level master plan/structure plan work, including urban designer, landscape architect (suited to urban structure scale projects), sustainability consultant, traffic/transport engineer, First Nations consultant, retail strategy consultant
Development of Sustainability and Connection to Country Frameworks
Chairing Project Working Groups, governed by the University’s ‘Space and Place’ Steering Committee, and coordinating with parallel projects and university initiatives
Review of the risks, impacts and opportunities associated with the structure and precinct planning, along with the proposed massing.
Development optioneering and scenario testing given the many possible permutations for development staging and statutory approvals.
Develop a potential staging strategy that considers existing uses, planned developments and amendments to surrounding infrastructure (and their impacts)
Strong consideration of the ground plane, including key aspects like activation, how students, staff and other users move to and through spaces, student concentrations and the like
Sensitivity analysis and alternative development scenarios on key sites.
Determination of suitable metrics for m2 GFA per student for relevant uses to calculate the maximum Equivalent Full Time Student Load (EFTSL) that could be accommodated at development capacity.